Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Final's

My final will deal with subliminal messages from a circular meaning.  To break it down, I will take a round ball and put on the round ball everything that deals with who I am as a person in pictures/words. The circular ball represents who I am which is a universal person, not linear.  The pictures represent the many different facades in my life.  Lastly, the paper gaps represent difficulties in life.  
Symbolism meanings on my project:
Calmness of the waters
Power of thinking
Power of reading
Letting go of the power of money/creed
Internally healthy
Soaring to the mountains
Seeing the world through a lens
Mediating on chakra areas
Blocking out technology
Serenity after War
Communal thinking
Not being afraid to take adventures
Coffee boost in the morning
Clean ones mind and body
Overcoming single fatherhood

Monday, June 13, 2011

True Blissfulness

Ahhh! Blissfulness!!

I had a truly blissful night last Wednesday riding my bike through the woods and up and down hills in the Eagle Creek Park area.  As I was riding I cleared my mind of any frustrations and problems surrounding my life at the time because I know that they are only temporary.  I feel that in order to be truly blissful one has to find peace within themselves first because no matter what you do if you are not at peace with yourself you will never have true blissfulness.  Riding my bike only enhances my true state of blissfulness.

Thursday, June 2, 2011


Modified Scientific Method:

Examine the situation:
F.e.a.r. is False Evidence Appearing Real.  Throughout ones life fear plants a seed in the mind to experience doubt either in the present or future reality.

Formulate an experiment:
Targeted audience: Classmates/teacher
Focus: Approaching the idea of fear in a multi-faceted manner in order to solicit a wide variety of responses

Hypothesize the expected outcome:
There will be no major reactions because people tend to not focus on other peoples' fears

Conduct the experiment:
During class I presented fear in a wide-range of examples.  I stated the fact that I had many challenges due to my age and experiences, and that, fear is not an issue for me.  I proceeded to present fear related to the term loss because I was confronted with the idea of fear of loss during my divorce.  As a result of my divorce, I gave up everything, and I was at the lowest point of my life.  In connection to the multi-facted manner of discussing fear, I also stated my fear of butterflies and climbing up high mountains.  Later I stated how I confronted my fears by climbing a mountain, giving up everything in a failed marriage and knowing that all will be well, plus visiting a butterfly aquarium.

Observe the reaction:
After I stated my experiment (fear idea), none of the classmates responded, just blank stares; however; the teacher stated that she and I had the same principles in life.  The discussion moved on to someone else.

Analysis of hypothesis with actual outcome:
I expected that there would be no reaction, and my expectations were true.  I didn't think there would be reactions from people because people tend to not focus on other peoples fear.  This society seems to be self-indulgent, instead of communal.  Everybody wants to be heard, but nobody wants to listen and focus on other peoples issues.

Propose Changes to your idea:
I would present the class with one specific concept of fear and let ideas branch off from this, instead of stating a wide range of fears to get responses.
Overall my predictions were true.

Class Discussion/Responses:
1.  A classmate focused on phobias, and I responded strongly to this subject.
2.  I responded strongly to phobias because I had  personal phobias more so than major fears.
3.  Impact:  I would have focused more on phobias than fears because the entire class responded more compassionately to phobias, including myself.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

My Play Time!

This is what I do for Play. I Take Pictures!!!
And Make Movie's

Round Circle

The 23rd of May was not a good day for me. My Head Was Killing Me!! I had one of the most horrendous migraine of my life and if anyone knows how a migraine feels, knows the pain I had to endure. So I could not get into the round circle discussion, the only thing on my mind was wanting that headache to just go away.  All I could do was take two Excedrin Migraine pills, cut off all the lights, and listen to some soft meditation music, which always seems to work.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Breaking the Laws

Today's topic is:  "Breaking the Laws" or "Following the Laws"  There are many situations in life that confront us into ultimatums.  These situations will result in a retaliation or a break down in relationships.  For example, if one has a family, but his or her license was suspended due to petty infractions , but still had to commute back and forth to work in order to support his or her family.  What would one do when he or she  has no other access to transportation? Personally, I would take the ultimatum to  continue to drive to support my family because it outweighs the consequences.  Many would disagree with me because if caught jail would be the ultimatum.  So ask yourself, what would you do?  Break the laws or follow the laws?

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Round Circle

Entry: 5/18/11
The circle was alive full of energy, very engaging. Opinions were spoke, choices were made, and questions were asked.  On a topic which could be a very sticky topic for some. were the police have the right to enter into a persons house without a warrant. Very hot topic,  and one question was posed, "What are You going to Do". Very good question, which needed to be answer, when a fact "the Government appears as the Ghost in the Machine" untouchable, So what can one do? Same old answer pops up, Vote! But who do we vote in when everyone appears to be corrupt and hungry for the money and the power. You tell me?
So all and all, the round circle was fulfilling.
Saliou Ramseur

Monday, May 16, 2011

The Bastard Child

Cause and Effect!!

Love is in the air as the blossom's bloom 
But beware of the lustful demon that looms
For after the pleasure has subsided and the 
night becomes day. 
Make sure there are no regrets or else the little ones will suffer.

Saliou Ramseur 

Cause: When a man Loves a woman 

Effect: This is what happens

Know that before you go to bed "Cause" you Love them Brings about a lifelong  "Effect" of this action  

The Round Circle

Theres  a round circle I was invited to on 5/16/2011. In this round circle there are members and the members have the choice to share or not. I chose not, reason being the only topic of the evening was weather I like eating eggs, cheese or brussel sprots!
 Attention to health is life greatest hindrance.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Running Late

I am finally up on what this class entails. I missed the 12pm deadline, on Friday the 13th, and here it is 8pm. Just came off a 12hr work day plus homework for another class , so things are comming fast, but I am ready and always on time. . Destiny is  Calling
"I plan on taking "Seeing Sideway". With the knowing, I am the  Being without guilt".

Seeing Sideways: The New Media Eye: An oldie goldie

Saliou Ramseur saying Hi! Seeing Sideways: The New Media Eye: An oldie goldie


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