Thursday, June 2, 2011


Modified Scientific Method:

Examine the situation:
F.e.a.r. is False Evidence Appearing Real.  Throughout ones life fear plants a seed in the mind to experience doubt either in the present or future reality.

Formulate an experiment:
Targeted audience: Classmates/teacher
Focus: Approaching the idea of fear in a multi-faceted manner in order to solicit a wide variety of responses

Hypothesize the expected outcome:
There will be no major reactions because people tend to not focus on other peoples' fears

Conduct the experiment:
During class I presented fear in a wide-range of examples.  I stated the fact that I had many challenges due to my age and experiences, and that, fear is not an issue for me.  I proceeded to present fear related to the term loss because I was confronted with the idea of fear of loss during my divorce.  As a result of my divorce, I gave up everything, and I was at the lowest point of my life.  In connection to the multi-facted manner of discussing fear, I also stated my fear of butterflies and climbing up high mountains.  Later I stated how I confronted my fears by climbing a mountain, giving up everything in a failed marriage and knowing that all will be well, plus visiting a butterfly aquarium.

Observe the reaction:
After I stated my experiment (fear idea), none of the classmates responded, just blank stares; however; the teacher stated that she and I had the same principles in life.  The discussion moved on to someone else.

Analysis of hypothesis with actual outcome:
I expected that there would be no reaction, and my expectations were true.  I didn't think there would be reactions from people because people tend to not focus on other peoples fear.  This society seems to be self-indulgent, instead of communal.  Everybody wants to be heard, but nobody wants to listen and focus on other peoples issues.

Propose Changes to your idea:
I would present the class with one specific concept of fear and let ideas branch off from this, instead of stating a wide range of fears to get responses.
Overall my predictions were true.

Class Discussion/Responses:
1.  A classmate focused on phobias, and I responded strongly to this subject.
2.  I responded strongly to phobias because I had  personal phobias more so than major fears.
3.  Impact:  I would have focused more on phobias than fears because the entire class responded more compassionately to phobias, including myself.

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